We Need More Women’s Gatherings
I was invited recently to speak at a retreat designed for women to connect and decompress. Why this isn’t a regular event and we do this for ourselves yearly–no, quarterly–I do not know.

Our world is hard. We have a million conflicting events and it is amazing that everyone gets fed and we show up as the 80% that we feel. (Don’t worry, your 80% is killing it.) But internally, you’re suffering. It is not normal to be without time to wind down. You should have it daily, but yearly at the very least.
There should be more gathering camps for women! We need it more than the kids do!
The camp had a structure to minimize over-thinking. There were activities to use your body, brain or to feed your soul. I drove in and saw women doing archery, making bath salts and some just coming in from a morning kayak. What is this place? I already loved it.
Then I was honored to meet with about 20 women who were looking for more information about health with changing hormones. I love these circles. This is education every woman should have, but also a time to share stories of strength, frustration, pain and triumph. We painted a picture of what our ideal medical system would be if we ran the world. It was a damn good system too!
Bottomline is women need more support. Transitions are hard. Hormonal, life, family, health and so many more.
Our medical system does not support wellness and it is so needed. Talk to your employers. What are they doing to help you be healthy? Insurance is really just catastrophic coverage and we have to start prioritizing our health, not just recovering from acute illness. It would sure help if our culture shifted just a bit to support us.
You are not alone. Talk to your friends. We don’t have to stay silent about what’s going on in our bodies. We need to normalize these conversations and learn what to ask of our providers!
Ok rant over. Great event, great people. I want more of this for us. Adult women sleepover camps for everyone!