Doing the Pee Dance?

Andrea Mulder, PT, DPT, OCS

photo of a restroom sign

There are so many people out there living with many years of urinary issues thinking there is nothing they can do about it.

There are also many people who are not yet comfortable discussing some of their urinary issues, whether because it’s embarrassing to them, they feel alone in their condition, or they consider their symptoms to be “normal” for their age or postpartum.  

Our urinary systems can take over our bodies more than we realize. It is often a slow process, but it can impact our emotions and our mindset and we might even start limiting ourselves socially and functionally. 

Have these words ever left your mouth?  

“When I gotta go, I GOTTA go!”

“I might as well pee before I leave… Just in case.”

 “I must have the smallest bladder ever.”

“I had a baby, so it’s normal for me to pee myself.”

 “I won’t be able to fall back asleep if I don’t go pee.”

“If I don’t cross my legs when I sneeze…”

“I just can’t run or go to the gym anymore without leaking.”

“I don’t understand… I just went to the bathroom.  Why did I pee again?”

“I thought I had a UTI, but it was negative!”

 “I laughed so hard, I peed my pants.”……. Ok maybe we have all done this one!

You don’t have to live with these symptoms!  And this is where a pelvic floor specialist can help.

Pelvic physical therapy is a field that has expanded greatly in the last 5-10 years and more and more people are starting to talk about their urinary symptoms. They are beginning to realize there are resources out there!

Want to learn more? Andrea’s Bladder 101 course covers the basics of your urinary system and pelvic floor anatomy and gives you education and resources to begin connecting with your pelvic floor. Or book a Healthy Pelvis Assessment to find out how we can help!

We find that when you have a little knowledge and start to understand your body and can take an active approach to healing, your body will respond more quickly as you seek treatment.