Spring is Coming!

Here are a few reminders to get us there! A seasonal blog by Hope Hartley

close up image of pink and white magnolia blossoms

Seek warmth.

Did you know that your digestive system thrives with warm foods during the winter? Our bodies are adjusting to the elements (anybody else ready for sunshine?) and hydration is also key in these dry months. Did you know we can improve our absorption of nutrients and hydration? You can support your digestive system by consuming warm liquids and foods. Broths and soups are more than just a cozy meal! They improve your digestion and provide the body much needed, readily available nutrients. Next time you’re feeling low, or perhaps bloated, maybe even irritable- enjoy a warm meal or hot tea and see what you notice.

Rest is Reality.

It is MOST natural to rest MORE in winter. I know. This is tough and even cringe-worthy for those of us taught we need to GO all the time. Here’s a simple truth: Pushing through has been DEBUNKED! Burnout is real! We have a sympathetic system and a parasympathetic system within our body and when balanced they are expressed 50/50. Do you rest as much as you give? Is that idea laughable? Balancing that ratio will help you actually get more done! How can you find more balance? Find even 5% , 2 % and tell us about it! When we rest we are able to be present and less anxious, irritable, and less inflamed in our bodies.

Start simple, start today.

Woman Closing Her Eyes Against Sun Light Standing Near Purple Petaled Flower Plant


You heard me! With what we are experiencing now as a world, it is more than EVER important to remind ourselves to deeply breathe. Breath is the keeper of our entire body! During your day, when you can, I invite you to take 3 DEEP belly breaths, filling (and relaxing your pelvic floor) and as your breathe out, breathe out ANY tension or stress or concern you have. Doing this 2 or 3 times day is KNOWN to help your nervous system regulate. When we regulate, we function, and we function we can thrive! I love to add in essential oils while I do this!

photo of woman and child surrounded by moving boxes, packing items in bubble wrap and tape

Less Is Much, Much More.

Clear your space before spring has sprung! That way, spring cleaning can be more like Spring THRIVING! We can begin to clear space for the new to come during this time, especially if we’re feeling restless! This will help our minds find ease, and inspire change, newness, and growth!

older white woman with thick framed glasses and long gray hair lies on her stomach reading a book in bed


Let’s be honest, the TV feels really good after dinner, but sometimes it can actually get in the way of unwinding the stress. If we watch the news or other heart racing entertainment, we can miss the important window of our bodies’ circadian rhythm to move into melatonin production, aka what leads to restorative sleep. Try picking up your old favorite book, a puzzle, your partner’s hand and give your eyes a break from the screens. You and your sleep will thank you!