Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Therapy

collage of images, clockwise from L, asian woman holds a baby, smiling white woman grins leaning nose to nose with a baby, Black couple sit cradling her pregnant belly, white woman breastfeeding

You Deserve Support

Pregnancy and postpartum physical therapy can help address common complaints like back, hip, and pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, diastasis recti, prolapse and other concerns.

Pregnancy and postpartum are NOT easy and we aren't biologically or physically designed to do it alone.

With all of the information and opinions out there, it is normal to feel confused. We can help.

Preparing for Birth

Birth classes cover what happens during labor and delivery, but they don't always talk about how to make the process as healthy as it can be for you. The more you understand about YOUR body, the more prepared you can be.

Physical therapy in pregnancy can help:

  • Make sure your body is ready for birthing. Get help with  aches, pains or weakness that have come up during pregnancy.
  • Learn ideal birthing positions and how to relax your pelvic floor during labor and delivery.
  • Discuss setting up your support network and expectations after delivery.

We want you to feel empowered to enter the Fourth Trimester prepared to make it the best it can be for you and your baby.

pregnant woman in a mint green tank and black leggings sits on a hardwood floor in butterfly pose
white woman with a long ponytail sits cross-legged on a fuzzy green bean bag with a baby standing between her legs

Postpartum, the 4th Trimester

Did you know it takes a full YEAR for your body to recover from the changes of pregnancy and birth? And true healing doesn't even begin until 6-8 weeks postpartum? We can help you understand and work with this crucial period in your and your family's life for ordering Modafinil. Your baby coregulates with your nervous system until three years old: The better you feel, the better your baby feels. Self care is family care.

Pelvic floor physical therapy after birth can address issues like:

  • Stress Urinary Incontinence
  • Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation)
  • Prolapse
  • C-Section Healing and Scar Mobility
  • Dyspareunia (Painful Sex)
  • Back, Hip, Tailbone, and Pelvic Pain

Get Started with Physical Therapy In Stratham or Dover

Healthy Mama Sessions

Personal 60-minute educational sessions to help you tune into your pelvic system as you move through pregnancy and birth and into a smooth recovery.

Pregnancy and Postpartum are not easy on your body.

There’s a lot going on in the pelvic region as your pregnancy grows and moves through birth. Your bladder, bowels, and digestive systems all shift during pregnancy, and birth is perhaps the ultimate pelvic challenge. Our series of one-on-one sessions provide insights into your shifting body and give you exercises to engage your inner strength safely.

Naturally, most healthcare is focused on the baby during pregnancy – and especially postpartum. We’re here to support you in taking care of yourself.

white woman with dark bangs and ponytail holds a baby with dark hair above her shoulders
white woman seen from behind tosses a giggling, curly-haired toddler in the air

If you leak, have pain, can’t go to the bathroom or go too much, are pregnant, have had a baby, we want to help your pelvic floor muscles move the way they are designed to move. Your experience and injuries are unique, but it is helpful to start to become aware of this area so that your treatment will be off to a great start.

This is also a great step if you can't start treatment right now!

Dover, New Hampshire

Royal Commons

51 Webb Place Ste 320

Dover NH 03820

p: 603-834-9116 | f: 603-834-9123

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