Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation

We Help Patients Before and After Surgery
Our team of therapists can provide guidance and support for surgical rehabilitation before and after common surgeries and injuries like:
- Knee replacement
- Hip replacement
- ACL repair
- Rotator cuff repair
- Labrum repair
- Meniscus repair
- Spinal surgeries
- Abdominal surgeries like organ removal or hernia repair
We're here to help you through recovery so you can get back to doing what you love.
You Deserve Time, Guidance and Understanding
While repair and replacement surgeries may be routine for your doctor and surgeon, recovery will be unique to you.
We can help you make a plan for surgical rehabilitation that works for you. We can even help you prepare before surgery so that you have the best possible outcomes.
You deserve a team that will take the time to listen and design a rehab and exercise plan that meets you where you are.

Physical Therapy After Surgery Is More Than Exercises
We commonly see and treat post-surgical issues that are more than just doing your PT exercises.
Surgery impacts your whole body and your nervous system and can lead to concerns with:
The Toilet: It is so important to make sure your bladder and bowel are working. Dysfunction can lead to impaction and other problems that can stubbornly persist.
Fear: Caution and making sure you get plenty of rest are the right thing in the short term, but held onto for too long and they can lead to worsening pain. We see so many people who are afraid to move their bodies because they don't want to "mess up" their surgeries. We can help you plan strategies for post-surgery by understanding what will be going on in your body, and be there to provide support if those plans need to change.
Pain: Pain management is important and medication can be helpful in the very short term, but they also come with risks of addiction and bowel issues. We treat many, many people who struggle with pain, both acutely and chronically, and we have tons of strategies to help you manage pain without medication.
Support: This is not the time to be stubbornly independent. Preparing and making plans with an understanding of how you might be feeling and what help you might need is so important to your ability to rest and recover.
We like to think of ourselves as surgical doulas: We help you plan for how it should go, how you want it to go, and we'll be there if it doesn't to support you in making a new plan. You deserve it!
We'll Help You Make A Plan
If you're preparing for surgery, we can help you make a plan for recovery.
If you're post-op and you're not sure if you're getting the level of care and support you need? We can help with that too.
Schedule an appointment to meet with one of our therapists to discuss your plan, your goals, and how we can help you meet them.

Get Started with Physical Therapy In Stratham or Dover
Online Programs
The Top 3 Things Your Pelvic Floor PT Wants You to Know
If you leak, have pain, can’t go to the bathroom or go too much, are pregnant, have had a baby, we want to help your pelvic floor muscles move the way they are designed to move. Your experience and injuries are unique, but it is helpful to start to become aware of this area so that your treatment will be off to a great start. This is also a great step if you can't start treatment right now!
Dover, New Hampshire
Royal Commons
51 Webb Place Ste 320
Dover NH 03820
p: 603-834-9116 | f: 603-834-9123
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